Composite Veneers

Achieve a flawless smile with tooth-colored resin that will seamlessly blend with your natural teeth, giving you a radiant and confident appearance.

If you have chipped, stained, small, or spaced teeth, composite veneers may be an ideal solution for you without removing tooth structure. We offer composite veneers as a cosmetic dentistry option to help enhance the appearance of your smile. We use high-quality composite resin to create natural-looking veneers that can transform your smile and boost your confidence.

The Process

We believe a beautiful smile begins with the right communication and a commitment to dental health. Each visit to our office starts with a conversation about you: your health and your dental needs and goals.


We will review your smile goals and make records of your teeth, which a lab technician will use to carefully sculpt a digital model of your ideal smile. This model will be used to make a stencil to apply resin over your teeth. The resin will be placed, shaped, and polished without needing anesthesia or removal of tooth structure.

Frequently asked questions

Can composite veneers stain?
